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  • Writer's pictureKaylin M

Emotional Survival Kit

We all have bad days. It is a part of being human. If you are anything like me then you tend to dwell on things that aren't really worth a moment of thought, but you will spend all day thinking about it anyways. It sucks, but it's when you start to spiral into the darkness of those thoughts that your girlfriends need to step in. Whether it's a breakup, an emotional breakdown, a low self esteem moment, or even just a typical old bad day; we all could use a pick-me-up every now and then to remind ourselves that we are amazing. So, this week, I've done something a little different and created an inexpensive "Emotional Survival Kit" that you can give your girlfriends as a rope to help them out of that dark hole they have jumped into. Of course, everyone is different, therefore not all of these things may apply to you or your BFF, but maybe something in this list will give you inspiration for your own kits!

Here's the kit that I created:

So what is in the kit?

1. Still Spa Essential Dead Sea Mineral Mud Mask ($2 each)

2. Dr Teal's Pink Himalayan Foaming Bath ($8)

3. A cute mug ($5)

4. A fun game

5. Every available trashy celebrity magazine (3 for $10)

6. An Android Box

For me, taking care of my mind and body all start in the bathtub. After a long, stressful day, I tend to jump straight into the bath to wash away the worries of the day. Slap on a face mask and I'm starting my way back up the ladder to a brighter day. Moment of honesty here, I'm super jealous of the friend that I gave this foaming bath to. I have never had a foaming bath product of my own before which is surprising because of how much I love baths. The one I chose is the Restore & Replenish Pink Himalayan Foaming Bath that includes pure epsom salt and essential oils. No better way to feel luxurious and pampered than with a warm bubbly bath. Plus you could add some candles to this package and the Still Spa Essential Dead Sea Mud Mask that I've included, and BAM! you've sent your girlfriend on a much needed home-spa oasis. I've also included trashy celebrity magazines in my emergency emotions kit because ... and I hate to say this ... nothing makes you feel better about your life, than reading the bullshit, trashy stories of how crappy other people's lives are. It's not a great aspect of human existence that we enjoy feeling like our lives are better than others, but it's reality (unlike the stories in these magazines) ... sorry!

Next, I added this super cute "Hot Stuff" mug. We all have those days that we need to be reminded that we are exactly that ... hot stuff. Sure, not everyone may think that, but somebody does and that person is me! And I think you should too! They say that nothing is sexier than a confident person and I think that is totally true. I mean superficial aspects are nice to look at, but the thing that really hooks people is if you're confident, not to the point of self-absorbed, but you get my point. So remind yourself that you are beautiful and worthy. It is so important to love yourself first! I know that it is easier said than done, trust me. I like to remind myself than every day is a new day. If I don't love myself today, than tomorrow maybe I'll make a little extra effort to make myself feel pretty. If you see me all dolled up with my hair and makeup done ... I'm doing it for me because it makes me feel like hot stuff! And when I feel sexy, I feel unstoppable!

Entertainment is another great way to distract yourself or your friend from whatever is weighing on their minds. I didn't gift my board game and Android Box to my friend, but both are good accompaniments when you and bestie have a much needed girl's night to cheer yourselves up. It's so hard to find a good two player game (if you have any suggestions please share), so Blake and I were excited when we picked up this game called Odin's Ravens. It's a quick, two player game that requires little thought, but enough that you can keep your mind occupied. The idea of this game is that Odin's two ravens have been sent by Odin to circle the world and, since they have done it for so long, have turned it into a race. You must use land and Loki cards to beat your opponent in your race around the globe. After you're done playing games, it's nice to cuddle up under a cozy blanket, with your Hot Stuff mug filled with hot chocolate, and binge watch your favourite shows. Now, off the record, I am a big streamer. I don't have cable so most of my tv/movies come from Netflix or streaming. I won't promote my Android box too much because unpaid streaming is illegal (isn't it?), but I'd be so bored without it ... welcome to 2018!

Back on the record, I've also included a ton of food in my kit, but my friend and I already ate it all, so I'll just tell you what I brought. Four words: Chips, Chocolate, (and) Chocolate Milk! I'm a huge milk drinker so I could down an entire carton of chocolate milk if I really had a craving. It's also great to include your friend's favourite chips and chocolate, which is what I did. If you are both of legal drinking age and your friend drinks, than a bottle of wine can substitute the chocolate milk. I don't drink, so chocolate milk it is! You can tailor this aspect of the kit to the specific person, but these are just guidelines. For example, all I have to do is text my friend Paula that I'm in the area and having an awful day and she will be right over with Cheetos and Sunny D. It's our thing that we've done ever since we were in high school. Those two things make up our Emotional Survival Kit. So, like I said, tailor the kit to whomever it is for because if you put thought into it, it will make your friend feel special and that's really what we are aiming for! What would you include in your kits?

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