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  • Writer's pictureKaylin M

August VIP

I have decided that each month I want to introduce you all to a VIP in mine and Blake’s lives. We wanted you to get to know these individuals who have been there to support us and who have helped us to grow into the people that we are today. So, without further ado...this month’s VIP is …

None other than my Dad … Keith Matthew!

I have always been a daddy’s girl. My dad is one of my best friends. My family has always been really close, it is something that we value deeply.

My dad grew up in Scarborough, Ontario to a nurse and an x-ray developer (the hospital is in my blood). He has an older brother and sister. Unfortunately, my dad didn’t always have a good relationship with his family. He usually felt like the underdog and felt it was a long fight to the top. Although he may tell you that his childhood was difficult, it is filled with hilarious and unimaginable stories which you will probably read about at some point on this blog.

He has had a wide variety of jobs in his career. From a young age, he would deliver newspaper and would work in the general corner store after school. As well, he worked on his Uncle’s farm for a summer and was a hospital cleaner for a short time. After high school, he went to school for Media Arts and ended up working on the production team for some small projects such as commercials and music videos. Afterwards, he became a security guard and loved it. He will tell you that being a security guard was one of his best jobs. He worked constantly to support himself through school and general life. He got to patrol some very interesting locations including Conrad Black’s mansion. During his time as a security guard, he worked at the main Scotiabank branch in Scarborough and this is where he met my mother. After all of these different jobs, he ended up in IT and that’s all I’ll say about it.

Back to meeting my mom. So, they met at ScotiaBank in the late 80’s. My mom had actually worked with my grandmother (who obviously wasn’t a nurse anymore) before she met my dad. They had their first date on Valentine’s Day and dated for a few years before my dad popped the question on an ice rink at midnight on New Year’s.

Side Note: notice that my dad was very strategic in his planning as to not be a victim to the infamous questions such as “When was our first date?”

My parents got married on July 14 1990 and 3 years later were blessed with me!! Yay! Wasn’t I adorable?

Then, 18 months later had my brother Logan! Boom Boom! Just like that! Quick and easy! (Maybe not for my mom, but you get the point)

Personally, my dad has struggled with depression since a young age; it is a struggle that many of my loved ones experience. He’s had his ups and downs over the years. Tried many different medications and remedies; yet it’s a constant battle, but one that he continues to fight.

My dad is also an animal lover. He's a dog person - just like me - and he gives off a comfort that animals gravitate towards. He had dogs as a child (Super V) and we've been lucky enough to have been blessed with two beautiful golden retrievers in our family (Super R) over the years. Little known fact about my dad, he used to work at a horse camp in the barn and we used to jokingly call him the horse-whisperer because he loved that job - even though it included scooping up horse manure.

Ever since I was little, my dad has been one of the major rocks that have kept me grounded. He has supported me through all of my good and poor life choices and has never judged me for either. Whenever I’m down, he’s always one call away (Charlie Puth reference) with a few words that can make me smile again. He’s a person that I feel I can speak openly and frank with; someone who I can share my secrets with … even though sometimes he forgets they are secrets and shares them with the world. He’s been my study partner when passing school seemed impossible and my movie partner whenever a new superhero movie is released. Furthermore (big essay words there), he’s been there for me during mental breakdowns and ensures me that I am strong enough to conquer anything life throws at me. Finally, he has welcomed Blake into our family and has been supportive of our relationship since the very start. Like I said previously, my dad is one of my best friends.

Dad, I’m so lucky to have you in my life. I’m thankful that you found mom and that you two are #relationshipgoals for Blake and I. I’m grateful for all that you have done and continue to do!

I love you Dad.

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